Category Archives: News
Now you can get these of our top products with 20% OFF & FREE shipping!
To see more info and order just click on the product’s name:
Multi Lock: 80 eur (20 eur OFF)
Houdini Magic Calendar: 112 eur (28 eur OFF)
Houdini Brick Pendulum: 80 eur (20 eur OFF)
Houdini’s Legacy: 65 eur (15 eur OFF)
The offer is valid till 01 December 2023.
Promotion: International Escapology Day 2021
Today is the International Escapology Day and for the next 3 days (21-24 september 2021) I offering a special price for the Houdini Authentic Collection sets, so you can save up to 70 eur!
All sets includes items made from original wood and/or brick from the famous Harry Houdini’s New York City house, Certificate of authenticity, special props and instructions for several mentalism routines. Each set comes in a beautiful wooden box.
Here is the offer:
– Houdini Brick Pendulum: 80 eur (you save 20 eur)
– Houdini’s Legacy: 70 eur (you save 10 eur)
– Houdini House Spirit set (mini): 200 eur (you save 20 eur)
Black Friday 2020 Offer!
Now you can save 50 usd ordering the limited Houdini Spirit Set!
From 27 to 29 November the price of the bigger set is 300 usd (instead 350) and the special price of the mini set is 200 usd (instead 250). Don’t miss this chance to get this fantastic collectors set which includes several aunthentic items fro the famous Houdini’s New York City house! The set includes also several mentalism routines!
Houdini Pendulum by Hektor and Barry Spector is now available!

This is something incredible! An authentic piece of history which has NEVER been done before! We are so excited to present you the Houdini Pendulum. These pendulums was hand made from original oak molding from Harry Houdini’s New York City residence!! The original wood lath was removed from the house in April 2019 as part of renovations.
UniPeek – now available!

An innocent looking universal peek device which you can keep in your wallet.
It includes two different peeks and one additional bonus function for a Magic square type effects.
Now you don’t need special peek wallets, envelopes etc. The UniPeek works perfect in combination with any wallet, any envelope, any business cards, id cards, driving licenze or propless – just put it in your pocket!
MENTAL CARD – the best magic/mentalism credit card ever!

I am really excited to share that the best magic/mentalism credit card is already available. This is the only such a prop which includes 25 (!) effects and you can have it always with you in your wallet.
It is similar like the Mystery Card v.2 but with many improvements: looks more realistic (we worked very hard for the design and carefully selected the shape and color of each detail), more hidden signs and effects are included, there are also two Virtual Reality animations on both card sides, the front letters and serial number are embossed and also there is an option the performer’s real name to be printed on the card (instead of the “Your name” gag).
New: Houdini Spirit Board with Virtual Reality

The Houdini Spirit Board is now with included Virtual Reality! The spectator can see how Harry Houdini appearing on the spirit board holding the selected card! Just put the spirit board in front of your smartphone camera and watch on the screen.
If you already have the Houdini Spirit Board via email of facebook and I will send you instructions how to install the FREE app.
You can also become a member of the facebook secret group Magic and Mentalism by Hektor.
The Mystery Card v.2 (new version) is now available!
The new improved version of the Mystery Card is ready and available here! There are 4 more effects included, so this is the ONLY product on the market which allows you to do 17 (!!) effects with a single credit card. You get FREE worldwide shipping on this product!
Combo pack – save up to 19 EUR!
Save money with our combo pack offers!
Get 5 EUR OFF by ordering two products combo pack and 10 EUR OFF by ordering three products combo pack + FREE shipping!
Free shipping
The shipping cost for each of our products is 3 EUR. But we offering you a FREE worldwide shipping for all two or three products Combo packs!
Nevertheless where you live, just choose minimum of two products from the website and your order will be delivered to your home absolutely for FREE!