New: Houdini Spirit Board with Virtual Reality

The Houdini Spirit Board is now with included Virtual Reality! The spectator can see how Harry Houdini appearing on the spirit board holding the selected card! Just put the spirit board in front of your smartphone camera and watch on the screen.
If you already have the Houdini Spirit Board via email of facebook and I will send you instructions how to install the FREE app.
You can also become a member of the facebook secret group Magic and Mentalism by Hektor.
Hektor I have not seen the email with instructions for Spirit Board. Please resend or tell me what to look for.
Hi Walter. I was sent you the email with instructions few days ago. No problem, I will re-send it again.
Hektor Thanks for Your Great Products, and Great help with My purchasing Them. I do have a question about the Spirit Board since the Mystery Calender, and the Mental Card can be saved on My computer, but does the Houdini Spirit Board have a way to save it or is that one I cannot save. This information question is based on the addresses on the envelopes of the other 2. Thanks in advance for All of Your help.
You can save the instructions on your computer or to download and read them on your phone.
You can also print them if you want to.
Hi, Hector! I just read that you have an app for the virtual Spirit Board. Please send me the instructions on how to install it. Also, can I get another small white envelope with the sticker on it? This held the card with your email address. It was sealed and had to be ripped to open it. I would like another UNSEALED envelope if you would be so kind. I want a MINT set! The board is fabulous. Thanks! Damian
Hello Damian. Sure, I will send you the app for the Augmented Reality and also a video prediction file. Just contact me via email: or find me in the group: Magic and Mentalism by Hektor
About the envelope – I didn’t sealed the envelope (I never do that), but just put it’s cover in. But no problem – I can send you a new one for free in the package of your next order from the website when you decide to make it. Just remind me with a note.